日本財団 図書館


(4)Contents of the acrobatic flights etc., and the date and place of said flights;
(5)Reason(s)for acrobatic flights etc.
(6)Name and qualifications of pilot;
(7)Names of persons accompanying the pilot during the flight, and the purpose of said accompaniment during the flight:
(8)Other referential matters.


(Flight likely to interfere with Safety of Air Traffic)
Article 198-(2). Any flight which is likely to interfere with the safety of air traffic as specified in ordinances of the Ministry of Transport under Article 92 paragraph 1 subparagraph 3 of the law shall he the flights prescribed in the following subparagraphs (except the flight which is unavoidable for the purposes of the safety of navigation):
(1)Rights in which frequent changes of aircraft attitude take place;
(2)Flights which result in stalling;
(3)Flights in which any sudden change of aircraft altitude takes place.


(Application for Permission for Pilot Training Flight etc.)
Article 198-(3). Any person who intends to obtain permission under the proviso of Article 92 paragraph 1 of the law shall submit to the Minister of Transport an application, describing the following items:
(1)Name and address;
(2)Type of aircraft, the nationality and registration mark of the aircraft;
(3)Summaly of flight plan (indicating clearly the purpose, date, route and altitude of the flight);
(4)Contents of the pilot training flight etc. (flights under each subparagraph of Article 92 pagraph I of the law; hereinafter the same), date and place of said flight;
(5)Reason(s)for said pilot training flight etc.;
(6)Name and qualifications of the person undergoing the pilot training, and name and qualifications of the supervisor of the pilot training, in the case of a flight specified under Article 92 paragraph 1 subparagraphs 1 or 2 of the law;
(7)Name and qualifications of pilot, in the case of a flight specified under Article 92 pargraph 1 subparagraph 3 of the law;
(8)Names of persons accompanying the pilot during the flight, and the purpose of said accompaniment during the flight;
(9)Other referential matters.


(Method of Flight in Control Zone etc. with Permission under Provisions of Article 94 of the law)
Article 198-(4). Any aircraft shall, in the case of engaging in a flight in a control zone (except a positive control airspace)or an information zone (the airspace above or around the aerodrome for which a control zone is not established and is designated in the Notification by the Minister of Transport), and the airspace





